
[AIESEC SSU] 서울시립청소년센터와 연계하는 Here For You 교육봉사 프로젝트 참가자 모집

2019년 12월 5일

AIESEC X Seoul ‘Here For You’ Project


What is ‘Here For You’ project ?

Here For You’ Project is targeting Korean students who can not know well about equal opportunity & inequality. And we will tell students stories of equality and make a better equal world in future.

What is the advantage?

We can issue the certificate from AIESEC SSU.

You can receive national certified voluntary service record

How can you ask about this project ?

Give message to Kakaotalk ‘easytocontrol’

                               FaceBook ‘AIESEC SSU’ page

Location :

Seoul Youth Center & SoongSil University

Date : 12/26 ~ 02/06

( 8 Days class, 4 Days Campaign,

Preparatory Days, and party time )



