
‘리얼아이즈 포럼 콘서트’ 행사 안내

2019년 6월 20일

리얼아이즈 포럼 콘서트행사 안내

리얼아이즈 그룹은 끊임없는 본질에 대한 탐구, 지속적인 이상실현에 대한 도전을 통해 건강한 사회변화를 만들어가는 소셜 인플루언싱 그룹입니다. 저희 그룹은 세상을 바라보는 올바른 관점 ‘REALEYES’를 가진 미래세대의 리더이자 소셜 인플루언서를 양성하기 위하여 2019년 REALEYES FORUM(이하 리아포)을 기획하여 운영하고 있습니다. 현재 리얼아이즈 포럼은 학술포럼과 전문인포럼 세션을 마치고 REALEYES MOVEMENT를 일으키는 라이프 디자인 프로젝트를 진행하려 합니다. 이번 리아포 0.5기의 라이프 디자인 프로젝트는 리아포의 시그니쳐 이벤트인 ‘리얼아이즈 포럼 콘서트’와 연계하여 진행됩니다.

▶ the recruitment of participants: 1st REALEYES FORUM CONCERT ◀


Greetings! REALEYES FORUM (REF) is Social Influencing Forum which helps to open “REALEYES” that continuously drives us to pay attention to the Realization of the Essence and Actualization of the Ideal of all things in life so that we can bring out healthy social changes.


REF with its members are conducting “Life Design Projects – the REALEYESation movement through ACTUALEYESation Project – during the REF’s signature event, REALEYES FORUM CONCERT(RFC).


The topic of the 1st RFC is “DPRK’s Human Right for the Peace in Korean Penninsula.” This RFC is open to All Foreign Exchange Students and Full Time International Students in Korea. Through this RFC, we would like to help students acknowledge the importance of this issue and discuss how we should and can deal with North Korea’s human rights domestically as well as internationally.


Please see the detailed information for this event.




HOST: REALEYES FORUM, Congressman Kim Yong-Tae

COOPERATION: Association of the North Korean Defectors


● Date and Location

Date: June 25, 2019 19:00 to 22:00

Location: 2nd Sub-Committee Conference Room of the Congressman Hall Building in Korea National Assembly


● Composition

Part 1 ? REF’s Social Influencing Project: Life Design

A. REF Mini Video Premier and presentations to spread the voice for North Korea’s Human Right Issues.

Three teams of REF Members have made a 5-mintute video for campaigning to spread the voice for North Korean Human Right Issue. During RFC, the judge and audiences will also vote for the best campaign videos.

B. Social Media hashtag campaign

We will conduct “Social Media Hashtag Campaign” during RFC. All audiences will take pictures of North Korean defectors on stage with the “designed card” provided by RFC team during the registration. After taking pictures, audiences will upload the pictures on individual’s social media accounts with translated hashtags (related to NK Human Rights) in his/her mother language.


Part 2 ? REALEYS Talk Concert

A. Address of North Korean Defecters

We hosted two North Korean Defecters who will share their stories regarding North Korea Human Right issue so that through their stories audiences can acknowledge the importance of this matter and truly understand the reality.

B. Panel Interview Session with Speakers of North Korean Defecters

After speakers address, we will have interview with them with pre-submitted questions from the audiences and have Questions and Answers session.

C. Talk concert with Audience

After the Q&A session, we will have panel-audience forum(Q&A sessions with audiences) and discuss how we should deal with North Korean Human Right Issues.


● Application period and how to apply

Application period: 2019. 06. 07 (Fri) 16:00 ~ 2019. 06. 23 (Sun) 13:00

How to apply: Download the application from the shared drive below and send it To REF Official Email. It is possible to accommodate up to 100 people, so if you apply late, it may be difficult to attend.


[The shared drive]


[REF Official Email]



● Questions

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GOT.REALEYES

Instagram: got.realeyes

E-mail: realeyes.forum@gmail.com

TEL: Kim do-yeob, Director, External Cooperation Team 

* If you are curious about REALEYES FORUM! Please check the NAVER BLOG link below!


#socialinfluence #socialmedia #youtube #preview #student #university #kyunghee #seoulnational #yonsei #korea #hanyang #chungang #sungkyunkwan #dongguk #soongsil #realeyes #peace #unification #northkoreahumanright #InterKoreansummit #community #foreignstudent #Exchangestudent #global #forum #concert #forumconcert #assembly #northkorea #humanright #campaign #gotrealeyes

붙임. 1. 제 1회 리포콘 영어 포스터

        2. 제 1회 리얼아이즈 포럼 콘서트 기획안. 끝.

