
2018 숭실 홍보 영상 (영문_English ver.)

2019년 10월 20일

2018 숭실 홍보 영상 (영문_English ver.)

▼ 청각장애인의 웹 접근성을 위해 마련한 대체텍스트입니다.

In Seoul, the capital of the world’s only divided nation, there stands a unique university; a true rarity. A school with a 120 year history, pained and divided from its past in PyeongYang.

Nonetheless, as a global leader, it has been leading the higher education of the Republic of Korea nation for the past 120 years through challenges, change, growth and innovation. This school is Soongsil University.

Now we have come to Korea to view what Soongsil University has been pursuing so far …… Our hearts beat fast. We are excited to see what see what Soongsil has been doing in the past, present and the future.

Soongsil, writing the history of truth and service! History has been continuously writing anew, and every history is the history of today.

Since the past is a lesson for the present and a mirror to the future, looking back into the history will allow us to think about the present and the future of Soongsil.

(Professor interview)
Q. What did Soongsil University look like in the beginning?
A. 120 years ago, an American missionary William Baird seemed to think that Korea needed young and talented individuals. Therefore, he started gathering and teaching 13 young, devout Christians at his house and Soongsil was created. Within ten years, he established the first 4-year university in Korea. As the Bible verse states, “Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be,” so Soongsil has grown into a big school with over 10,000 students.

Soongsil started out in Pyongyang.

The Soongsil School was founded in 1897, and established a 5-year regular curriculum in 1900. In 1906, they also established the college department for the first time in Korea. This became the foundation of the 4-year modern Korean university system.

Later, the school received approval as an official university in 1912, and this elevated the status of Soongsil to the first 4 year-university in Korea.
The name Soongsil has nobly stood out despite endless oppression and pain throughout the Japanese colonial period.

In 1938, Soongsil was the only university in Korea to voluntarily close down and protect its national pride and religious integrity, while affirmatively opposing Shinto, an ancient Japanese religion.

The Christian university courageously stood against Japanese oppression; Soongsil’s history is its pride.

The struggle not to ignore the pain of its country against external pressure is part of its history and pride of the distinctive Christian university, Soongsil.

Like the emblem of Soongsil, the tulip tree, Soongsil has kept its spirit: truth and service!

In 1954, 16 years after its voluntary closure, Soongsil re-emerged.

Soongsil educated talented individual capable of reconstructing the ruined country, developing practical academics for the modernization of Korea through such efforts as establishing Korea’s first School of Computer Science & Engineering in 1969; the first of its kind in Korea.

Thereafter, Soongsil experienced a period of surprising growth and development. In the year of its 90th anniversary, 1987, it returned to its original name Soongsil, and restored its originality.

The small seed of education that Soongsil planted 120 years ago has grown into a huge tree called Seoul Soongsil, which continuously produces numerous talented individuals.

On the basis of Soongsil‘s foundational philosophy: “truth and service”, its 120-year history has persisted without any setbacks.

With continued historical pride, Soongsil’s passion to be the best university is still burning today.
Soongsil, bringing up the issue of reunification!

-Godang Cho Man-sik (graduated from Soongsil Middle School in 1908)
 “Do not ask, “Where are you from?”
When we came back to our hometown, do not ask one another where you are from, rather just work on unity. Unity is important not only during the process of recovering national sovereignty but also at the time of becoming one.”
-Godang Cho Man-sik (Graduated from Soongsil Middle School in 1908)

There is one mission that Soongsil must carry out with its eternal history.
The long-standing dream and our country’s long-cherished wish…
That is, reunification.

This is because reunification should be the first agendap Soongsil must achieve for the sake of reconstructing the originality of Soongsil: Soongsil School in Pyongyang.

Reunification is the ultimate goal and most important core value for Soongsil, since it is the only separated university in Korea from the mother school in PyeongYang.

(Student interview)

Q. Soongsil seems to become more interesting as we get to know more about it. Have you experienced any new revelations while at Soongsil? If so, what were they?

A. Soongsil provides us with a wide range of unique and creative programs. Out of the various courses, I think the reunification programs are particularly interesting and great.
Actually, before learning, the virtue of reunification was quite vague and indistinct. After participating in the reunification leadership school program; however, I was able to learn the importance of reunification, and was given the opportunity to prepare for it now. I was also able to feel and learn more extensively how Soongsil University is systematically preparing for reunification as the leading school of this agenda. I found that reunification is a reality, coming sooner not later, an event of the near future; therefore, we need to be prepared..

The next goal for Soongsil, which it has throughout its history paved the path and led innovation in Korean higher education, is to open the door for a reunified generation!

This goal pushed us to the aim of reconstructing Pyongyang Soongsil Reconstruction by establishing Pyongyang Soongsil Reconstruction Committee.
In pursuit of this, Soongsil University established the Pyongyang Soongsil Reconstruction Committee, and is striving towards reunification and the reconstruction of Pyongyang Soongsil.

In addition, for the upcoming reunified generation, we have created and managed various reunification education programs in advance.

In 2015, we became the first university to sign an MOU with the Ministry of Unification in Korea, and have emphasized the value of reunification constantly to the students by providing them with mandatory courses on peace and unification of the Korean Peninsula.

Having been acknowledged by these efforts, Soongsil has been selected as the learning university of reunification education.

Soongsil’s reunification education pursues to train creative leaders who will lead the reunified generation. This is a practical program that teaches Soongsil students how to find their own roles in the imminent reunified Korea.

Soongsil University has been playing an important role in preparing for reunification. More specifically, it would quickly like to reach the day to fulfill its dream of establishing a national Christian institute in Pyongyang under a reunified Korea.

Soongsil is dreaming of becoming a strengthened Korea that is cured from its painful history of division. Soongsil will also continue to move forward towards its mission of reconstructing Pyongyang Soongsil.

Soongsil, soaring into the future!

-Honorary Professor of Soongsil University, Ahn Byung-wook (This is fine.)
 To the younger generation, have a passion and have a big dream!
Life is just about having big dreams, and shedding blood, sweats and tears in order to realize your dreams.
-Honorary Professor of Soongsil University, Ahn Byung-wook

Soongsil’s past is a mirror for the present, and Soongsil’s present is a window to the future.

Soongsil University has carved out a new future through endless change and innovation.

The eyes of Soongsil University students are always shining brightly towards the future.

(President interview)

Q. We have reported the history and reunification education of Soongsil and it was very interesting. Where do you think Soongsil’s competitiveness comes from?

A. Soongsil has always been the ‘mover’ at the forefront of generations.
It took its first steps in history by taking on challenges, overcoming limits and having courage without fear.
This has been possible because it had a clear vision of raising leaders that will lead the next generation.
Expanding life’s perspectives, and educating talented individuals for the coming generations realized through sound) education!
That is the mission and goals of Soongsil.

What is the symbolic word, coming up in our mind most when we think of Soongsil?
That is! ‘The first’!

The first, official 4-year university in Korea.
The first, School of Computer Science & Engineering in Korea.
The first, IT College in Korea.
The first, Graduate School of Small Business and Entrepreneurship in Korea

And now, Soongsil has stepped forward to lead the era of 4th industrial revolution.

(Exchange student interview)

Q. What made you select Soongsil out of all other universities in Korea?

A. I wanted to study at a university suggesting a vision towards the future to their students. Among the many universities in Korea, Soongsil is an outstanding university with a clear vision as the leading university of the future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Soongsil also never stops its challenge, and brings Soongsil’s constant growth, these factors made me decide to study at Soongsil University.

The university, constantly implementing the founding philosophy for 120 years, “truth and service”.
The university, leading the preparation for reunification.
The university, planning ahead for the future.

Soongsil University is taking a bold and a new step day by day with the passion to be the best. While walking on the path, no one has walked before. .

By learning about Soongsil, we were able to confirm that the history of Soongsil is synonymous with the history of the Korean people, and that the university today is the starting point for the future.

The long history and philosophy of Soongsil, which has been built over 120 years, has become Soongsil’s motivation.

For the sake of becoming a better first one, who can make a better place to live.
For the sake of turning the first value into the best, leading to a better life, Soongsil is Korea’s first Christian university that continually moves forward for a better future that will change the world

We are confident that the people from Soongsil will be able to face anything. For as we have seen/learnt, they have evolved through challenges and innovation.

We have also observed their passion and pride to fulfill the dreams of their future.

120 years of Soongsil has been dazzling.

Moreover, we believe that the upcoming era of Soongsil will be more brilliant; a gorgeous history that shines brightly evermore.

The end of script.

Edited from Sung Hui Cheong, Ph, D. and Proofread by Penelope Brook